Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Random Thought.

I was brushing my teeth just now, and I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

As I admired the fine flossing job I've been doing, my eyes glanced downward, and after a moment I thought to myself,

"My boobs are bigger."

Fabulous day.

What Up, Skanks?

Soooo. I need to work on that whole "continuing to remember to blog" thing.

Yeah. And junk.

Let me share an obsession with you.

So I recently saw a commercial. You may have heard of/seen it.

It's for Geico.

It also involves a talking pot hole.

Ohhhh yeah.

heh heh heh.

Watch it HERE.

I watched this while at a friend's house over break, and we found it hilarious. We promptly began saying "and junk!" after nearly everything we said to each other/everyone else.

Geico, you have created a monster. And I'm not talking about the pot hole.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

How to exact revenge upon one's roommates.... subtly

I knew this was going to be a tough year when I had to explain what an "attention whore" and a "cupcake" are in the same day.

I have had a few minor issues with some of my roommates. Generally ones that involve them treating me like I'm 20 years old. Let me tell you, I am fairly mature for my age. I don't act like a tween anyways, so I resent being treated like one. Thus, I have perfected a few techniques to subtly, yet extremely satisfyingly, exact revenge upon one's roommates.

1) Use their (preferably fairly fancy, expensive) shampoo/conditioner/hair products whenever they're not around. This leads to nice hair on your part, and excellently confused faces and frustration on theirs.

2) Hide their keys. Lock the door when you leave the apartment. Their anger is frankly delicious.

3) Eat their food. I'm not talking obviously, but like, if one has a bag of pretzels, or candy, and they hae already opened it, take a few out every couple of hours or so. Unnoticeable to them, but they will wonder why in the heck they have to buy more pringles all of a sudden, when it definitely didn't feel like they ate that much. Heh heh heh.

4) Milk. Drink their milk. You may wonder, don't people notice when they're missing half a gallon of skim? Here's the best part of that: You fill it up back to the level it was with water. Not only do you get free milk, but they get nasty, odd tasting watered down milk that makes them wonder what was wrong with the cow. Mwahaha.

I will likely add more as I remember/think them up. Look forward to more tips and tricks from Eppy on how to exact revenge on other, coming soon. >:)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Christmas List.

My mother has been harassing me lately about what I want for Christmas this year. It got me thinking, what do I want? So i began searching and scouring the internet for items worthy of my desire. Here are the fruits of my labor.

1) Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg T-Shirt.
Nuff Said. Or too much said?

2) Awkward T-Shirt. I like T-shirts. And I'm mormon... so this seems appropriate. Plus I like making other people feel awkward.

3) Snuggie. I WANT.

4) Wolf Dress. Classy. This is how I will reel in the menfolk.

I will add more things as I think of them. Or if you have a most excellent idea you think I would enjoy, o find amusing, etc etc, post a comment. :D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Few Words Wednesday, OTRA VEZ!

It's technically no longer Wednesday I believe... and it hasn't been for about an hour. Whatever.

I pose a question for those of you out there who are reading and arent TOO LAZY TO POST A COMMENT. ahem.

Why do people say "I like your face" or "I miss your face"? I am puzzled by this.

In general, when I like someone, i like a few more things other than their face.

And if someone says they miss your face, it sounds a bit creepy to me. Like something a mass murderer would do before removing said face.

Just sayin.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Mandatory Sex Party

I simply had to join in.

Why? Because I have a secret desire to become part of something as viral as this magnificence.

Here are some answers to frequently asked questions:

Don't talk about the Mandatory Sex Party.

No, it is not a key party.

Yes, it is mandatory.

Yes, you do want to participate.

No, you don't have to be a virgin to participate.

Is there a downside?
Well. It is sex. I imagine that there would be several downsides depending on the person you get matched up with, but nonetheless, you are at a mandatory sex party, so tough toenails.

I know what you're thinking now.

"Hey, isn't this girl mormon? WTF is up with that? You aren't even having sex!"

Let me tell you, mister. Just because I ain't gettin any doesn't mean I can't calmly and maturely discuss others gettin some through a creatively sneaky, and mandatory, sexual experience.

And I may or not be a little bit CRAZY.

Don't hate.

See the urbandictionary.com definition.

For more reference, please see the following link to the following blog of the following freaking HI-larious woman:

Mandatory Sex Parties

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Few-words Wednesday, again!

It is wednesday. well, technically it is now thursday, but it is wednesday for all intents and purposes. So here are a few words.

Tonight, I went to the grocery store and bought a jar of peanuts and 4 different kinds of fruit, including several dried fruits.

Odd? Probably. Tasty? Very much so.